Keep Your Home Ambiance Mold Free with Expert Mold Cleanup Service
Mold growth and water damage can be considered as crime partners when indoor mold growth is concerned! Why? Because molds grow at damp spaces and dampness occurs within the house only when there is water leakage from roofs and other plumbing sources. Molds reproduce by means of tiny spores that are invisible to naked eyes and they float throughout the indoor and outdoor air. Whichever type of mold it may be white or black, none of them will grow without water and moisture. How Molds Affect Our Health Molds produce allergens (that cause allergic reactions), irritants and in some cases mycotoxins (toxic substances). Hence inhaling or touching molds may cause allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, skin rash, and red eyes in the sensitive individuals! In addition, mold exposure can cause irritation in the eyes, skin, nose throat and even lungs of both sensitive as well as non sensitive individuals. Molds gradually destroy the things they grow ...